Fusebox and Frameworks Conference

"Mach-II Architecture: Under the Hood" interview with Ben Edwards

  • "Mach-II Architecture: Under the Hood" interview with Ben Edwards
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  • Michael Smith:This time we are talking with Ben Edwards about his Fusebox and Frameworks-05 talk "Mach-II Architecture: Under the Hood". So why should a developer come to your session Ben?
  • Ben Edwards: This session really has dual purposes. First, we'll see in detail how Mach-II works as a framework; how it loads, processes requests, handles exceptions, etc. Second, we'll examine the design decisions made in architecting Mach-II and take a look at a few of the design patterns put to use. I guess you could say it will be a bit of a case study on framework architecture. It'll be a good talk for anyone who uses and/or develops frameworks, not just Mach-II users. .
  • MS: That is cool. In general terms what does a Mach-II application look like?
  • BE: A Mach-II application consists of CFCs for controlling business logic, CFM pages for presentation, and an XML configuration file. That’s the M, the V, and the C. .
  • MS: What does MVC stand for and why is that important to use?
  • BE: MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, but I bet everyone already knew that. MVC is based on the important principle of keeping business logic separate from presentation logic. This makes code more maintainable. .
  • MS: Ok, makes sense. Do you have to be able to write CFCs to use Mach-II?
  • BE: Yes, you need to be able to write CFCs to use Mach-II. Mach-II is an object oriented framework. The framework itself is built of CFCs, and to extend the framework and build applications on top of it you'll be writing CFCs.

    Mach-II is built from the ground up to support MVC and object oriented development. For developers writing complex applications, that have to be extendable and maintainable, you're not going to find a better framework than Mach-II .

  • MS:Cool, I will look forward to seeing you at the conference!

If you have any questions, contact michael(at)teratech.com